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Olive Oil ......

Started by: tonker (28602) 

....... Do you use it?
I remember it being £2.49 a bottle in Aldi's and Lidl's, not long ago. It's almost doubled in price now.
Well, over in Spain, where it comes from, it's on the shelves at over €8 a bottle. The people are going mad about it, as they use it a lot over there.
My neighbour has cut down 1 hectare of good, well producing Cherry trees and replaced them with Olives. Many others are doing the same. They're seeing the € sign.
But, I've looked up the reason why this has happened and they're saying it's due to the drought which has happened in Spain.
It's true, all the big reservoirs in the Pyrenese have dried up and water restrictions have been in place for a year or so, but Olives are survivors, they don't take that much water.

I wonder, if all the farmers are getting rid of their Cherry, Peach, Pomegranite and Pear trees (probably in foresight as they all need lots of water) and replacing them with Olives, what don't?
It won't be long before the price of everything else goes up accordingly?
We're all going to have to start growing our own stuff, laaaaike, in t'back gardin. Tomplum'll love that!

Started: 15th Feb 2024 at 12:28

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Gorden Ramsey say's, " there's more Olive oil on that salad than on Popeye's D8ck "
But yes growing your own is a good idea, you'll never taste a better produce than an home grown veg/fruit and its healthier too because you're not using crop sprays..

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 12:58

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

Australia suffered years of drought, all blamed on global warming, and now Australia is suffering years of flooding, and guess what the reason is ?

Global warming

Early 1970s, Britain had a few cool summers in succession, experts said it's due to global warming, North Pole is melting and the cold melt water is cutting off the Gulf Stream, we are heading for a new ice age

Then 1976 came along and First Mate got a sun tan, but there was a bad drought, and guess what ?

It was due too global warming

Lake Mead in Nevada which supplies the Uber Damn, was drying up for years and nearly empty, and caused by the worst American West Coast drought in living memory and you will never guess why ?

Global warming

What about now ?

Well this sort of explains it LINK

In California they have had to get their wellies out

Lake Mead has been rising for the last two years, and guess why it has started raining

Spanish drought is due to t'weather, doing what weather does, but when weather's ready it will start raining in Spain, and 'the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane'

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 14:18
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 15th Feb 2024 at 14:21:01

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

The dynamics of climate change, and the naturally occurring variations in weather, will both be influences producing the outcomes which we experience.

To adopt an ideological stance of denying either and attributing everything to the remaining influence is plain stupid.

(Or, occasionally plain greed/self interest)

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 14:54

Posted by: linma (2944)

Tonker I bought some today from Aldi and you’re right it’s shot up in price.

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 15:50

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)


Supposing the sun is burning a bit hotter than usual, that would increase the temperatures on Earth

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 16:49

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

I don't know if thats a good idea cutting down established good fruit bearing fruit trees and replacing them with young olive saplings.
He might die of old age before he obtains the fruits of his labour and to make matters worse possibly be losing income from the trees that he has chopped down?

I would imagine that an olive tree sapling will take a few years to establish itself before it bears enough olives to sell on a wholesale scale?

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 18:05

Posted by: retep1949 (1282)

Could be getting a good EU subsidy for growing olives.

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 18:41

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I think Monty Python did a sketch about not growing olives.

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 18:52

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)


Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 20:08

Posted by: tonker (28602) 

I suspect retep1949 is onto it !

Cheshirecat has the same thought as I had. However, I've seen the Olives planted and producing in a couple of years. They grow like wildfire.
They prune them mercilessly, in February. They were all at it last week. I have about forty of them, very old, which are mostly overgrown and in need of pruning. My neighbour has done a couple of them for me (only the ones he can see from his bit though) but most of them have been neglected for years and need tending properly.
I'm led to believe mine are of the Empeltre variety (?)
I don't think I'll ever make any money out of them as I'm not a real farmer !

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 20:22

Posted by: whups (14100) 

£4-99 for a litre in aldi .

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 23:45

Posted by: Owd Codger (3689)

Popeye loved Olive Oyl

Replied: 16th Feb 2024 at 00:21

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

Replied: 17th Feb 2024 at 11:03


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